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Dubai Cooling Market Study

2015 - 2016

One of the programs of the Dubai Demand Side Management (DSM) Strategy requires doubling the market penetration of efficient District Cooling systems by 2030. To measure progress against this target, robust assessments are required of the size of the cooling market in Dubai, the extent of penetration by district cooling and other cooling methods, the efficiency of district cooling and the efficiency of other cooling systems. GRFN provided consultancy services to: - Estimate the total cooling load in Dubai and disaggregate it into the various cooling technologies operating in Dubai; - assess and report on the actual in-situ energy efficiency of each cooling technology; - assess the market share of cooling demand for key consumer groups; - estimate Equivalent Full Load Hours for the market and to disaggregate this for each cooling technology and by consumer group - establish a method and data sources to allow these estimates to be updated periodically in order to track progress against the DSM Strategy’s targets The study comes in line with the objectives of the Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030 to help achieve the overall energy demand reduction target of Dubai.


Dubai RSB


Dubai, UAE




Technical and Regulatory Consultancy; Energy Efficiency Consultancy

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